
Find An Expert and Build a Community

Posted 04/25/2015 in Interactive Technology, Online Education, Product Updates, Social Networking, Tips & Guides

Often students enrolled in any class, from any institution, will look for guidance from others, preferably expertise. Students will seek out professional tutors when looking for academic help, but that can be expensive. Students exploring music may need to seek off campus to find a musician to help them practice. Others may need help navigating around an online course and setting up a program, in which they would need to find a computer technician. Many students feel that they need to find these specialists separately, and may spend hundreds of dollars doing so. However, a college institution is full of thousands of intuitive teachers, specialists, and experts. Some of these people may in fact be the same students that walk the campus. Why not look to student peers, whom are attending the very same institution as those looking for help, to be the experts? By allowing students to teach other students, universities can easily create an environment in which there is a strong sense of community. Students can feel comfortable in confiding in teachers and students from the same school, and will want to give back to their school. In addition, students will be able to learn immensely from teaching […]


Benefits of A Rich Academic Profile

Posted 10/17/2014 in How-To, Industry Trends, Interactive Technology, Mobile Technology, Online Education, Product Updates, Social Networking, Tips & Guides

We share our past experiences in education, employment and interests with others so that connections can be established. We find ourselves doing this all the time; whether it be to apply for a job, or submitting an application to a university. We repeat the same information over and over again; where we’ve gone to school, the degrees we’ve earned, our past employment, and the things we do best. What makes iQ different, is incorporating rich, academic profiles for all members to represent their academic learning journey. Members can use a profile that tracks the history and progress as they go. Learners can track their achievements, certificates, skills, courses, grades, portfolios, employments, and even payments. Profiles can also track competency-based learning programs and any online courses a student has taken. This modern-day online transcript enables institutions to more efficiently review an applicant’s information. Viewers see an organized and mapped-out journey of the learner, rather than a disordered group of events packed into a couple paragraphs. Using this unique iQ feature, members applying to an online institution can apply with just a click of a button, submitting what they already have built up on their rich academic profile. In addition, connections between […]


iQ Features: Benefits to Polls and Surveys in Online Education

Posted 09/09/2014 in How-To, Interactive Technology, Online Education, Product Updates, Tips & Guides

Polls can be a powerful tool when it comes to ones education. Polls have been used as a popular method of surveying the public, whether it be in a newspaper or on a website. We use this information to gather opinions and feedback from a wide range audience, which can help students make school related decisions, such as teacher or class comparisons. Students can also use polls as a useful way to gather research for school projects, such as surveying the amount of hours students spend studying, or the impact of lack of sleep on test scores. This ease of access to public opinion enables students to effectively and accurately produce information, making the research process more convenient for students. When students have tools they can utilize, student productivity and inspiration will increase. iQ technologies offers a tool where students can create a poll at the tip of their fingertips. They also have control over the audience of the poll, with a feature to share with the public or just one’s network. iQ technologies also offers a variety of visible features to help students organize their data and research, such as Graphical display of responses in bar or pie charts, […]


The Myths About Finishing Your Degree

Posted 07/11/2014 in Education Cost, Online Education, Tips & Guides

Each year, 18 million individuals begin studying at a four-year college or at a place of higher learning. However, it is estimated that there is a total of 37 million Americans who have some college education but have not finished their degree simply because, as Dr. Robert Mendenhall puts in his article, Don’t Let Excuses Stop Your From Finishing Your Degree in 2014, “life simply got a hold of them”. But, is this true? Can you not finish your degree because you can’t afford it or simply because you don’t have the time? In Dr. Robert Mendenhall’s article, he puts to rest all of the common thoughts and myths that individuals have that prevent them from finishing their degree. The first myth he puts to rest is probably the biggest one when it comes to people dropping out of college; I can’t make it to class. Too many people, they might think this is the case. They might work and have a full time job or they could simply have a family they need to take care of. However, we live in a time where many things can be achieved over the Internet, and the same goes for your degree. […]


Need Help? How IQ Question Features Enhance Learning

Posted 06/07/2014 in Interactive Technology, Online Education, Social Networking, Tips & Guides

We all know that asking questions is one of the most important steps a student can make to become successful. Whether it be to specify an assignment or to clarify a learning concept, questions are the only way for a student to keep moving forward and be productive. In an online setting, the atmosphere in which a student can easily and accessibly ask questions is often removed, leaving students feeling disconnected. We have found a solution to this distance learning in a series of features that are made to specifically enhance a student’s collaborative experience. Students using IQ education solutions can now ask questions to an entire online community, reaching a vast amount of students at one time. This feature will quickly increase the chances of any question being answered in a quick, time efficient manner. IQ also wants to allow students to be able to target specific, relevant audiences when asking questions. Students can post to specific groups, categories, and topics to ensure the right audience is being reached. These are just some of the great question management features IQ has to offer: -Post a question to everyone, a group or select category within your network -Post questions on […]


Studying Tips for College Students

Posted 09/19/2013 in How-To, Tips & Guides

Did you know that if you review new material within 24 hours of first hearing it, you can keep yourself from forgetting 80% of it? Or that knowing your “learning style” (auditory learner, visual learner) may not help you at all in your studying process? With the new school year starting, many students are searching for ways and methods to make this year’s grades even better. Often students become so bombarded with schoolwork and studying material that they forget the way they are studying can dramatically affect the outcomes of their hard work. New studies have discovered improved methods of studying (that don’t involve cramming all night) to bump up those test scores. Some of these tips may come as a surprise to you, as you may have been taught some ineffective studying habits. Make your long hours of studying worthwhile and read these helpful tips. Check out “17 Scientifically Proven Ways to Study Better This Year” here