
Studying Tips for College Students

Did you know that if you review new material within 24 hours of first hearing it, you can keep yourself from forgetting 80% of it? Or that knowing your “learning style” (auditory learner, visual learner) may not help you at all in your studying process? With the new school year starting, many students are searching for ways and methods to make this year’s grades even better. Often students become so bombarded with schoolwork and studying material that they forget the way they are studying can dramatically affect the outcomes of their hard work. New studies have discovered improved methods of studying (that don’t involve cramming all night) to bump up those test scores. Some of these tips may come as a surprise to you, as you may have been taught some ineffective studying habits. Make your long hours of studying worthwhile and read these helpful tips.

Check out “17 Scientifically Proven Ways to Study Better This Year” here