
Online campus vs on-site campus: 25 Key FAQs when considering colleges

When you’re wondering whether getting an online college or university degree is an option– either via the full virtual experience or for just a few courses – here are some strong tips for finding the right fit.

Two important points to note in the discussion: 1.) Scholarships are often just as available as they are for brick-and-mortar schools, and 2.) Companies consider online graduates for jobs as equally as those attend on campus.


Other key thoughts:

6. Do employers discriminate against online educated graduates?
Most employers do not discriminate against graduates of online colleges. In fact, many employers are now providing scholarships to employees who wish to attend an online school to better their education and to move up in employment opportunities. Distance learning, in large part, started because companies wanted a way to educate large numbers of employees at the same time. Many employers offer online students internships and work closely with the career placement offices at online colleges and universities.

7. Which costs more, online college or traditional college?
… However, for the most part, online college costs less than traditional college. The main reason for this is that the online student doesn’t have to commute and can live at home while attending classes. For many students, this reduces the cost of an education significantly. … One study recently found that online college, for students living at home with their parents, can cost one-fourth the cost of a traditional student attending an out-of-state school.

12. Can students receive advanced degrees from online schools?
Master’s and Doctoral degrees are available from many schools online. Doctoral candidates normally must meet with faculty advisors as a part of their degree program, but most Master’s programs do not hold this requirement.

14. Are there scholarships and grants available to online students?
Yes, there are many scholarships and grants available. Most online schools have advisors who help a student apply for these programs as well as for Federal loans and other financial resources. Online schools even offer their own scholarship programs for students. Most federal, state, and private grants and scholarships can be used for an online education.

And perhaps the most important factor in deciding where to go online: How the school’s “virtual campus” provides student support throughout the entire “student life cycle” – from the college search and application through coursework, reports, presentations, discussions and exams; and the types of resources, research, and expertise that are readily and easily available to help the students. Educational facilities and systems using iQ Technologies social network sites have the advantage of streamlined technology tailored to their specific needs. No junk, no distractions; just a thorough, focused site for the needs of that particular course, department of study, school district, or entire college or university system. It’s simply smart social media, for education.